Friday 20 December 2019

Predictions 2020: Corporate Tech Inequality Increases

Many businesses put themselves at risk through inability to adopt new strategies due to inflexible IT processes, rigid infrastructure and ossified applications.

New businesses and those that have successfully transformed themselves will win through innovation enabled by the agility afforded by newer technologies such as cloud, event-driven microservice architectures, AI and blockchain.

Corporate technology inequality will accelerate through 2020.

Read the rest over at The Analyst Syndicate.

Friday 13 December 2019

Accelerating the Innovation of Business

Forbes and the WSJ have both stated that every company, whether by choice or not, is now a technology company. Think about it, if you will. Over the recent years fundamental changes in how business operates have moved technology from being a cost center to a vital competitive enabler. Customer expectations, both B2C and B2B, have grown to include instant communication and brand engagement across a range of channels, product flexibility and competitive pricing. Supply chains have grown from being a global manufacturing reality to a massive flow of data, powering company-to-company collaboration between industries and across geographies. Products and services cannot be delivered without it.

Read the rest of my writing here:

Wednesday 2 October 2019

10 Sound Principles

A couple of weeks ago I was privileged to present at a CEO Summit on the importance of company culture. Particularly popular were LEGO’s insightful 11 Paradoxes of Management, one of three sets of principles set out in the History section of the wonderful LEGO House in Billund, Denmark. I will write more about those in the future, but I promised to cover the others.

Today I want to talk about what is called 10 Important Demands for a LEGO Effort. Despite the clumsy name, these are brilliant rules for any undertaking. They are:

  1. Be objective and truthful
  2. Be positive and unpretentious
  3. Be economical
  4. Be international
  5. Evoke enthusiasm and inspire
  6. Encourage imagination and activity
  7. Observe characteristics
  8. Company concerns ahead of personal interests
  9. Complete every task
  10. Act according to company philosophy

Many fundamental truths in here, and it seems to me they should be naturally respected by anybody with a sound moral compass. Alas we’ve all come across people who are clearly drifting without a clear understanding other than their own aggrandisement.